Thursday, November 09, 2006

first day of school!!!!! so old what can you do

My cakes for homecoming our theme was junior jungle so they are jungle cakes. and yes zebras do live in the jungle i googled it thank you very much!!!!!

so today i applied at target for my first job yikes is right. i know i should have done it months ago but i never got around to it what can you do. but i really hope i get it because i don't want to go any where else and i love target and hello discount big points.
the last couple of weeks have been crazy i can hardly remember what my house looks like some times. i have had play every night and then i get home at like 9:45 take a shower watch a show that i taped do some homework get on the computer read and it is like 12 when i go to bed now most of you are saying why watch the show, get on the computer, and read well if i don't watch the show everyone at school is talking about it the next day so then i hear everything w/ out even watching it so not fun, and i just check my e-mail and so that takes like 5-10 mins tops and i love to read so i have to do that and it helps me go to sleep. i have also found taking a shower at night means i don't have to get up till 6:20 and that makes me really happy. i saw my moms cousin Amy and her mom holly at my grandmas last Sunday and that was so fun and what is even better they are building a cabin right next to us so when I'm at the cabin this summer we can see them and Amy has kids closer to me a joey so even better.
i will put some new pics up soon!!!!!!!

Anne frank is coming on Nov 30-DEC 3rd e-mail me for details

Monday, October 23, 2006

i tock a test tonight to see what kind of personality i have and this is my results. there is a big graph that goes with it but it did not copy and paste well so i did not bother.
here is the website if you want to take it your self. would love to here your results

• focus
your F-score = 31
20-70 = moderate: reflective, pragmatic

your T-score = 42
30-60 = high: reactive

submissiveness, anxiety, depression
your S-score = 36
30-60 = moderate

Your S-score was greater than 30 (elevated).
(Above 20-30 the probability of being a submissive type increases.)

The S-score is a measure of anxiety, depression or submissiveness in social relations on a scale of 0-100. If the score is >20, then it becomes likely that either trait N or A, or both, is only partially expressed. This test does not explore the many possible reasons for a high S-score. The most common reason is suppressed aggression (submissive types) or suppressed narcissism (narcissistic borderline types). In individuals having consulted a mental health professional common reasons might be depression or bipolar disorder. The T-score is a measure of temperament, also on a scale of 0-100. Low temperament individuals tend to be reserved or phlegmatic. High temperament individuals tend to be reactive or volatile. The F score is a measure of the degree of organization of an individual's personality, again on a scale of 0-100. Organized individuals with analytical tendencies will tend to score high on this scale, while less focused, expansive or practical individuals will tend to score low.

Your character type tends to:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Allie and Beth

We did not know luis was taking the picture!!!

Me and Beth

Me and allie

~Jenny and Beth at perkins~

me and jenny at perkins!

Allie and her pants!!!

Homecoming 06 allie and i wore our pants under our dress in the car and at perkins because it was so cold outside!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i drew this all by myself... no coloring book i am so happy!!!!!! happy halloween

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

my night at the nativity county fair with tess and lilly!!! we are on the marry-go-round. at this point they are really tired we had been running around for like 3 hours. it was a long night but really fun

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Easter Bunny so i know i have many pictures of Theo up but he is so dang cute i can't help it. this is one i found on Katherine's computer. he is in Hannah's Easter bunny costume from when she was like 3 or 4 and he is hanging upside down on the swing. he almost looks like a little girl (which is what i thought he would be in till the day he was born:( but i love him so much that i don't care much) he does like to play Polly pockets and where Hannah's shoes so only time will tell. Jackson is the same way though. well I'm babysitting here and i should probably make sure all the kiddos are a sleep cause its now 11:15.
but he is ohh so cute.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

this is what we ate our dinner at on tuesday night. ann gave our table to her brother and sister-in-law, and we had not put the other table in so instead of eating in the livingroom like quinn and i wanted to, so we ate our our laps and used the piano bench. it was something to remember.

This is what happens when i babysit the martins...
theo and his (hannahs) hat on

tired puppy

... theo playing with barbies
...hannah with way to much sugar (but having tons of fun)
a cute one of just the girls
and alexander plays computer or something way far away from us. i guess we are not all that cool!!!!!!!!!
but it was tons of fun!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

so hi to all! i have made it one week of school and im already ready for summer break. how sad is that. and it is september 10th and it feels like its the end of october or beginging of november. this is one of the few times i actually say this but i miss arizona weather and its one of the few time i want to live there full time. but then you get to put cute fall clothes on or a big swatshirt and i love minnesota again. soon all the leaves will be chaging and that is just so much fun to jump and have leaf fights. so i would really not change this for anything. now i must go do homework ugg and get on with my day. i will have some pics up from the cabin soon (i have had request) stay worm and have have a great week (while im at school)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Last day of summer and ann and myself descide to paint the livingroom
so here are some pics to see the process
it is almost done we have touch ups and the crown molding still but you can get the idea.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

the fire is on the grass and not in the pit

yet again
what can i say but it was a fun night. but all bonfires at stacias are.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the sunset from the look out at my cabin!!!! so pretty

Thursday, August 24, 2006

so im home from the cabin, im home from Idaho, and im home from Arizona. and im in a new home so im really home. its weird but i think it is a good thing. last night i went school shooping and got more notebooks and pens then you can imangine! tonight i went and got my last set of unifome shirts i will ever need. (yes i have 2 years left but i can get 3 shirts to last that long) i got 2 white and 1 light blue but i wont get it for 10-12 weeks it crazy. i have almost finished unpacking my room and i have picked out the brown color but not the pink yet. its a tough decision. the fair opens today and it was raining so hard it is like flooding in some places. i am hoping to go tomorrow so that will be so fun. i will have some pics later. i went to a friends on tuesday for a bonfire so thoes will also be up soon. (i have not found the camera cord yet). thats it for now more this weekend.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

idaho mission trip slide #2

Monday, August 21, 2006

idaho slide show part 1

Saturday, August 12, 2006

so yesturday was my 17th birthday and i spent it at the cabin with all my family. it was a really fun day. now i have 1 week left till i leave to go home for the 1st time in 2 months. yea!!!!!! i promise pictures will be up soon. feel better triple M.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hi all back from idaho! it was an awesome trip but im glad to be some what home. i was back in phoenix for likw 24 hours very quick. i said lots of good byes and packed up 2 months of my life. then my mom and me flew in to minnesota then on wednesday we picked up my brothers and saw my new house and headed to the cabin. we are up at the lake with the whole family and it is crazy. more pictures and words to come later.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

i am leaving for idaho tomorrow morning but you can check out what im doing there by looking at the blog for that it is check it out

ann and holly on a train at the railroad park
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jackson with the bishop
joey with the bishop
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my mom and brother joey at his conformation
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me and allie when she was here
stacia sleeping in the car when she was here
on our way to prescott
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

lucy and me at camp
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the VBS Princess
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this is my baby brother who is almost 9
and he is very into pink and tigers
and is very sweet and cute as you can tell
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