Monday, October 23, 2006

i tock a test tonight to see what kind of personality i have and this is my results. there is a big graph that goes with it but it did not copy and paste well so i did not bother.
here is the website if you want to take it your self. would love to here your results

• focus
your F-score = 31
20-70 = moderate: reflective, pragmatic

your T-score = 42
30-60 = high: reactive

submissiveness, anxiety, depression
your S-score = 36
30-60 = moderate

Your S-score was greater than 30 (elevated).
(Above 20-30 the probability of being a submissive type increases.)

The S-score is a measure of anxiety, depression or submissiveness in social relations on a scale of 0-100. If the score is >20, then it becomes likely that either trait N or A, or both, is only partially expressed. This test does not explore the many possible reasons for a high S-score. The most common reason is suppressed aggression (submissive types) or suppressed narcissism (narcissistic borderline types). In individuals having consulted a mental health professional common reasons might be depression or bipolar disorder. The T-score is a measure of temperament, also on a scale of 0-100. Low temperament individuals tend to be reserved or phlegmatic. High temperament individuals tend to be reactive or volatile. The F score is a measure of the degree of organization of an individual's personality, again on a scale of 0-100. Organized individuals with analytical tendencies will tend to score high on this scale, while less focused, expansive or practical individuals will tend to score low.

Your character type tends to:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Allie and Beth

We did not know luis was taking the picture!!!

Me and Beth

Me and allie

~Jenny and Beth at perkins~

me and jenny at perkins!

Allie and her pants!!!

Homecoming 06 allie and i wore our pants under our dress in the car and at perkins because it was so cold outside!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i drew this all by myself... no coloring book i am so happy!!!!!! happy halloween